welcome to H.D. Public School

About HDPS

Education Institute is not merely a building but an environment- the environment to get formal education and to learn basics of our surroundings. It also helps the child to attain the required qualities to become a responsible citizen. The environment, in which we have grown up, is reflected in every sphere of our life. It is now but the environment that helps in refining the inherent capabilities of a child. The H.D Public School is committed to provide an excellent environment to prepare our next generation for facing the challenges of life gallantly. The basic purpose of our institute is to make children civilized and respectful citizens. Also we are to develop human resource having par excellence in every walk of life.


We, the Board of Directors, Principal, Staff, Students and Parents of HD Public School believe that all students are critical thinkers and lifelong learners with strengths to build upon. We strongly believe that students deserve the highest quality instruction delivered in a variety of ways: that successful, responsible students develop into successful, responsible adults; and that parents, students, staff and the community share in the educational process.


Our vision is to promote academic excellence in a child-centred, safe, caring and respectful learning environment which celebrates diversity and motivates students to achieve their individual potential.

Aims and Objectives

We aim to spot in the child the spark of excellence, where ever it lies in the spectrum of abilities and nurture it till it blossoms. To provide a platform with healthy environment for excellence in academics, extra-curricular activities, games and sports. To provide secured, loving and caring atmosphere on campus, to make the student feel comfortable while learning. To develop a sense of sincerity and creativity among our students. To form and build the magnetic personality in our students by injecting confidence, positive attitude, a nationalistic outlook and exemplary character with due soberness.